HTML Files
You can chose to
- Paste a copy of your HTML code on your Tumblr page
- Host your HTML code online as a live website and link to both the live website and your code using a GitHub account.
Option 2 will take a bit of work to set up.
Option 1 - The Simple Code Pasting Method
- Navigate to your tumblr blog
- Click on Text
- Paste your HTML code into the box, and give your code a title.
Option 2 - The More Advanced Github Method
You can add a link to your HTML projects on Tumblr.
In order to publish your HTML files that you have on your computer to the internet, you will need to create a GitHub account.
- Navigate to []( and create an account.
- Choose the free option.
- Click "Finish sign up"
- Click "Set up Git"
- Follow the instructions.
- Click Create a Repository, and follow the instructions.
- Go to your github repository
- Click on branch and type gh-pages:
- Make sure that you are in the gh-pages branch. Click to create a new file.
- Name the file index.html and Paste the code for your website into this file.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Commit new file.
- Within 10 minutes your file will be displayed at http://[username][repository]
Where [username] should be replaced with your username and [repository] should be replaced with the name of your repository. For example, if your username is apple and you named your repository project 1 you would go to
- You can now paste this link into tumblr just as you did with your scratch projects. You should paste the link to your github repository (which should be[username]/[repository] e.g. so that people can see your code!
- Phew! Good job. You now have a github account and a github repository. Github is where most professional programmers share their code, and many programming jobs ask for a link to your github profile!